Wordle: The Life Of Teens

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Dreams? - Lauren

just had a really interesting dream that clearly demonstrates I've been watching far too much shoujo (girly) anime lately. O.o It was like my life as a shoujo, and it was... interesting. there was a lot of unneeded crying, and everything revolved around being in love with someone and the troubles that surrounded it. It was very strange because it would go from being completely real like a movie, to seeming like it had a layer of animation over it when the 'characters' would make weird faces. It was silly... But... I didn't want to wake up. I wondered if it wouldn't be so bad to live like this, to love and be loved and just be happy with that. But then I woke up, it faded away, and I'm back to being me.
I miss it, just a bit.

1 comment:

  1. That is a pretty spiffy dream. :) I like shoujo anime, too! But I don't have any to watch at the current moment...do you have any you would recommend?
