Wordle: The Life Of Teens

Saturday, May 29, 2010

My last few days -Nilsa

Most importantly: we moved! Finally! We can now walk to stores, AND say hi to random people without them thinking we're total freaks! It's kinda hard downsizing by a whole 1,000 square feet though, and it feels like we've been working so long and yet there are still boxes EVERYWHERE, and more stuff to bring from the old house...
I was also asked to prom by the one and only Riley! Yes... it is Brianna's ex boyfriend, but I'm trying to stop feeling bad about it since she's completely assured me that she has no feelings for him. Besides, it's only prom, right? Right. I'm wearing the same dress that I've worn to every formal occasion since the fifth grade, but whatever. People tell me it's nice. It might sound weird that it's fit me so long... basically, we widen the straps every once in a while, and it continuously becomes shorter...
I know that there have to be some more things going on, but these would have to be the most important.


  1. duddee STOP FEELING BAD!!! i think you guys look kinda cute together, better than me nd him ever did. haha heyy let me know when you need my help fer packing/unpacking :D nd congrats on moving :D im happy fer youu!!

  2. awww ily... thats really all i can say, to ever comment up theree:)
