Wordle: The Life Of Teens

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Im Really Getting Sick of This. - Minz(haley)

I just need someone to vent to. To cry on. Because I'm
so sick of this... back and forth game we're playing.
This "I'm going to come see you" "Never Mind" game.
I'm sick of you putting everything before me. Im sick
of waiting for you. Its Endless. Im sick of not being in
your future. I know your education is important, but
is our relationship not? You know if you stay with your
dad it'll be impossible for you to see me until "you get
settled". That won't be until next year. I know I said
I can wait, and I know I can. I don't want to wait. Im your
girlfriend, I should be just as important. You shouldn't
make decisions only for you, because it'll affect me too.
But I know education is major to you. But then again, I
should be too. And I'm not. You have to realize that since
we are together, and it is a long distance relationship, you
can't just decide that you're going to stay with someone
who is as impossible as your dad. Because you know that
nothing is going to change. We didn't argue this much
when you are with your mom. But obviously that's not what
you want. To be with your mom. But know that if you choose
the wrong thing, you could possibly be putting our relationship
in jeopardy because there's only so much one person can take.
And you're pushing the limit with all these games. I'm supposed
to be in your future. But you can't only think of me in the long run,
you'd just rather have me suffer and wait so that you can do what
you have to do for only yourself? I don't know how much of this
I'm willing to take. I love you, but if you're willing to put me through
a years worth of wait, I don't know how much you love me. You
know that I hate the waiting. And you claim to be trying everything
to come see me. But somehow I don't believe that's the case at all.
I think you want me to think you're trying, so I can convince myself
to keep waiting. You know, I'm impatient. And I keep telling myself
to wait, but you and these " I might come see you " "Oh Im going to stay
with my dad. I'll see you next year" are killing me.

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