Wordle: The Life Of Teens

Thursday, February 25, 2010

What will I say? -Nilsa

So, Ryan Maxey is apparently going to ask me out. This is complicated. Why, you ask? Allow me to explain this exciting year of Maxeys' to you.
First, I went out with Kevin Maxey, and we lasted five weeks, before I was broken up with for the very first time. He proceeded to date one of my old friends, than ask out another one of my old friends, and now, of course, he is going out with a third old friend, named A****. A**** is Ryans' ex-girlfriend. So, it would appear they have decided to switch girls. I'm not interested in revenge, and I do not want it to look like I am.
So, do I like him? Somewhat. But not even to the point where I would consider it a crush. I don't want to be embaressed by my boyfriend like I was in 7th grade. I mean... people tell us we would be cute together, but who knows what their really thinking. Plus, I usually always date people in athletics, but that's besides the point! People call him a loser and a nerd and suddenly, miraculously, we're cute together! As for his personaility, I like the fact that he knows who the B-52s are. It sounds like a little thing but, it's cool. To me, anyways. He is a very awkward person. I don't want it o be one of those relationships. Plus, I can't tell whether I really like him, or if I've just felt that way ever since I found out he was thinking of asking. Looks aren't an issue. So, what to do?
The other thing that gets me is that I'll be "going with someone but wanting someone else." According to some, this is cheating. I never thought so, but... I don't want to do that to someone, whether it's cheating or not.
Eh, I guess I can give him a chance. I've broken up with people before, but I also don't want to ruin our friendship. Any thoughts? Comments are cool. Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. ahhh, do it. whatevs, right?

    i feel like people take relationships way too seriously. people feel like they have to be "omg so in love <3 <3" to go out-- really, though, relationships are much more nuanced that that, haha. you can be with someone just for fun.

    if you're looking for true love at this age, heh.. why? do you even want commitment like that right now? i feel like being young is about having fun without being tied down.

    go for it. sometimes it helps to talk about what the relationship is supposed to be before you get in too deep.

    my two cents, heh.
