Wordle: The Life Of Teens

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Never thought they'd be back - Lauren

So, everyone's got people they just aren't friends with anymore. But... There was one person for me, that the 'friendship' ended with them sortof ignoring me and then them telling me they thought that if They didn't say anything I'd just 'get the message' and move on, which didn't happen for a long time. It really hurt me and I was really changed by it. I finally did, and now they are back. One of my friends (they know who they are lol) has run into them. Brought up all the old thoughts and feelings I'd put away for good. See while I was finally over them, I apperantly am NOT over what they did and everything that happened. It hurt me too much, and is a big part of why I am who I am, not who I was. that person destroyed my whole view of the world as a good place and of people as being smart and kind (as I'd been very sheltered and not taught the lessons of the world normally.).
How do you forgive someone who's done that to you?
I'm pretty sure I can't.
But I don't know how to get over this so everytime they show up I don't go to pieces.

I'm gonna go hide in Final Fantasy Tactics (a video game I finally don't suck at) and think it over some more.
Thank whatever's out there for friends who care and listen, and won't get sick of hearing the story and how much you hurt.
Most of my friends are sick of it and don't care.
But I guess I know who My friends are. =/

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