Wordle: The Life Of Teens

Saturday, April 10, 2010

I realize I like Closure -Nilsa

Thanks to Brianna, I've realized this about myself.
Out of all of them, the only one who refuses to say hi to me, laugh at a joke I make in class or say 'excuse me' when she needs to walk by is HER. "Someone #1." It's pretty darn ironic.
The thing is, I hate just having to see her every day, not knowing how she feels or whats really happened.
Basically, what I've been thinking lately is that I just want to talk to her. I mean, now that everything has calmed down. I want to professionally, politely, and kindly talk about what has happened and share our sides of the stroy. No yelling, no blaming, and no crying (no promises for that last one on my part). It has to be face-to-face. I just really need this to happen. I need this to end in a healthy manner. It's been almost seven months since I recieved that horrible text; enough time for me to get all new friends but not enough time for the pain to cese in any way, shape or form. It's just been long enough for me to learn to deal with it. I'm almost at peace with myself... almost. But I need to do this. I just need the OK first.


  1. Wow, that sounds fantastic. Except:

    This idea is listed on the "better on paper" category.

    Sadly, some people don't WORK that way. Some people might not GET what you're trying to accomplish, or the idea of "You hurt me," etc. Hate to say it, but this SOUNDS like one of THOSE people.

    This is middle school.

    But hey, if you try it and it works, I would LOVE to hear about it. It would be terrific if I was wrong!

  2. closures the way to be at peace with everything, ive realized it, and now youve realized it. ive taught you well... xD

  3. Thanks both of you.
    Kai, if it works, than we're both wrong, but I hope that's the case!
