Wordle: The Life Of Teens

Monday, March 22, 2010

Still Haunting Me -Nilsa

I'm almost to the point of saying "I wish I could forget." But I won't. It's against everything I believe. I never forget. If you forget the past, you'll make the same mistakes in the future. It's not like I could forget if I want to, but it's harder knowing that I just don't want to.

I'll go through a few of them.

I wish, so bad, that someone#1 actually cares and feels bad. Impossible. I mean, I think she has a heart somewhere in there, but there is no way she could possibly feel bad for me. It's just... NO! If she does, why doesn't she do something, huh? I'm not important enough.

Someone#2 seems to talk to me when none of my old friends are around. Coinsidence? haha. No.

Someone#3 is talking a lot, but for some reason has started to be nice. However, I am, apparently, still copying her hairstyles every one in a while. As much as it hurts, I kinda think it's funny. It's not like I can do anything without doing something wrong. Pettiness is funny to me, but at the same time I wish they still liked me.

Someone#4 is just being a jerk, dispite how awesome she is. An awesome jerk. Just a big bag of contradictions. Well, I guess she's NICE to me, that is, when I'm around. Otherwise, it's just the same old story.

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