Wordle: The Life Of Teens

Sunday, January 31, 2010

A Much Needed Night Out -Nilsa

Last night was almost-perfect! In fact, it was so almost almost-perfect, and almost all the imperfections have now been perfectifyed, that I am not even going to write about the things that did not make last night absolutely perfect.
-Mileena and I made up a new language of codewords in the language of "Nileena" and thus we can now have girl talk time even with boys around!
-Mileena and Ryan got even closer... and closer... than ever before!
-The Moon Walk was way to much fun. :)
-I'm pretty sure at least a few of us felt like very young children.
-I met some pretty effing awesome people.
-We caught an employee dancing like a maniac
-We were loud
-Lazer tag was amazing
-We got to TALK!
-Food bar... enough said!

Uhuh- Haley

I wasn't purposefully trying to get you mad. I don't understand why you didn't
even at least try to see the way I was seeing it. I don't care how rude you're going
to be to me, I'm going to say what I have to say. I don't like it how you say, I'm getting
over him, yet you'll take him back the first chance you get. When F asked me, I said No.
No matter how much I miss him, I'm not going to take him back after what happen.
I see what kind of friend, tells other friends, don't tell her this cause she'll say something.
You could've just, "i know you got something to say about it, but i don't wanna hear it".
The mistakes IVE made, I've learned that I shouldn't take less than I deserve. I tried to
get over my mistakes but you're not trying, even though you say you are. I checked myself,
and the only reason why this is so frustrating is because I don't want you to end up
the say way I ended up with Gustavo. It took forever to get over him and a lot of rejection
but Briana Garcia was the one who didn't treat me like a baby and told me straight up. And
I'm not going to sit around and let you be miserable about him. But if you don't want me to care, I won't. And who said this friendships ending over him? You're letting it end. I haven't made
a mistakes since after Francisco. Chai's one of the greatest things to happen to me and it's no
mistake, so don't tell me to check myself.
PS. Fuck Columbia, I wanna go to TX A&M(:
but if I get into Columbia, It's fine too! lol

Check Yerself.- Breanna

When you critisize people, you point out something that theyre doing that you dont like right? so are you allowed to do so if yer also doing that thing that bugs you so much yer willing to lose a friendship over it? Check yerself beofre you make any comments. im a stuborn person. my mom told me this yesterday: no matter what it is, i like going against it. and thats true. i dont like letting people prove me wrong, i dont like being told im doing something bad. i dont like it at all. of course sometimes i need to be told and ill listen, but last nght was too much fer me. you told me that the chicks before dicks rule didnt apply, and sure it didnt in yer eyes, but it did to me. yer opinion DID matter, but of course his mattered more. Of course his is going to matter more than anyone elses. do i have a reason? sure do. if i tell you are you going to understand? not at all. i've told everyone else about the reason, exccept you. you know why? because i know yer gonna say something. when we started going out again, i told everyone and at the end of the text i put: dont tell YouKnowWhoYouAre cause shes gonna tell me something and i dont need it right now. i decided to tell you cause i thought that i owed it to you, but now i regret it. when you go back out with yer ex-boyfriends i dont tell you anything because iits not up to me weather you go out with him er not. what you told me yesterday about F made me mad. to think that you would actually go back out with him even after knowing what hes going to do made me extreamly mad. but did i say anything? no. bercause i know youll do whats best fer you. or at least youll do what you want to do. when you say you dont know what i see in him, i dont know what you see in yer him either but thtats because im not you. yo before you go telling me what im doing wrong, Check Yerself.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Arizona? -Brianna

im soooo ready to move with my dad, but how can i tell my mom that. shell kill me! shell make me feel so bad that i just change my mind completly. but i cant stay here. she has too much to worry about three kids is too much. and we all know that im the one she wishes would jsut leave. she wont admit it but im a horrible person and i know sometimes she just wishes id be gone. she always used to tell us "if you wanna go live with yer dad one day, thats cool just make sure its okay with him" well yeah but yer gonna make us feel badd. blahhh whateverr. im gonna tell her today, then ask him and on Monday ask Jesus what he thinks, then if he says i should stay, i might. his opinion means the msot to me which make me feel... can you guess? PATHETIC!!! but if he really does still love me, then he'll say i should stay, or he'll get really wuiet and just nod. if he doesnt he'll be like "its up to you whatever makes you happy" well anywayss my moms making us watch a movie with her :/ ill blog later. good. byee.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Do I Really Want Him? - Haley

Ugh so My feelings about F. are coming back. and Today he asked me out again.
I thought SOOO hard about saying yes but I wouldn't cheat on Chaiya.
Idk I miss him SOOOOO much. I can't believe he asked.. I might go back to
Garcia just to see him. I wanna go somewhere with him. But I love Chaiya..
and I know it seems like he doesn't love me but I know he does, he's just busy
and I can hold my own but I really don't like long distance.. and F. is just down the street.
Idk... Maybe this week or next I'll go somewhere with him. Lady Gaga has been my new
obsession. I love her! Why can't music play when dramatic things happen in my life like in the
shows? UGGGGH, Chaiya probably thinks I'm going to cheat but im NOT! UGHH
I hate peoplee.. Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog!... So Happy I Could Die and It's All Right
I wonder if he really does love me like he said he does.
We'll find out!
- Haleyy Maay

today was a fairy tale :) -Brianna

sure its not the "oh my god im in love" kind... well it is but not to him. were totally just friends, and i respect that he has a girlfriend, but i know he knows that song was about him. its obvouise look at the first three lines. look at the bridge, DUH! anyways, the bus was pretty awesomee. i rode with Lexi and talked to Jesus. it was alrightt. he stole my backback though -_- which is when he found the song. perfectt. he read up to the last verse then gave it back. so then i sung fer Lexi. He Listened. he complimented me "you sound amazing" but when i asked him to repeat he said nothing. :/ its things like that, that make me mad. so you have a girlfriend, i know yyer not over me, trust me, i am NOT over you. so i might get asked out, but my hearts already takenn. so whatt? sometimes you just have to say eff it! and listen to yer heart. but maybe three times isnt the right amount. maybe you just have to stop at two.... Goodnightt.

Today -Nilsa

Well, I found out that it's all about me. All this talk of that little "contract." Me. All me. "yay."
I mean, it's flattering to be so interesting that I can be the topic of conversation for an entire group of friends for... what is it now? Ohh yes, nearly five months. It's been since Septemeber 12th. It's funny, really. And ironic. It takes ever so long to build a wonderful friendship like the one we all shared, and only one day to send it crashing down. Loosing 7 of your Best Friends isn't the greatest experience in the world, but it sure did make me stronger. Nothing seems to shake me anymore. You know that feeling you get when you suddenly hits you; "WOW, it's almost Christmas!" It may come at different times each year, but I remember it as a wonderful feeling. It never got to me this time. Sure, Christmas was wonderful, but I just didn't get the butterfly thing this year. In most ways, I feel it's a good thing. I am an emotional person, and I cry a lot less now.
I highly respect the friend of mine who let me know a little bit of what is going on in my social life at the moment. I admire her for the fact that she wouldn't give me any names, or even tell me the point of that horrible paper she was forced to sign. Most of me, however, desparitely wants to know what they are now saying about me. The last thing I heard was a few weeks ago, making fun of how awfully I play basketball. Maybe they should inform the coach of this so she can remove me from the starting five. Also, the fact that some people know my biggest secret, but were not told by me. They insist no one told them. Ohh, so are they witch's, perhaps? Anyway, I just need to remind myself that I'm getting closer to my new friends with every passing day. Sometime soon they may loose the label of "new friends" and simply be my "friends."

PS: This entire blog is currently made up of all people at the same school. Shall I spice it up, perhaps? I'll be invting one good friend in Massachusetts and one in the UK! Yay!

My First Post..(: Mileenaa...

Well. To much to explain in a effin blog. Rummors get the best of me. ): what people say or do can turn my whole day around. i hate this frikkin ghetto school i hate that these two face chicks say im their friend, but they only say that to me and only want information about other ppl from me. I mean i know its kind of selfish but when you say things like i love you yur so awsome but you dont say that at all at like some crap on facebook. i MAKE SURE to let them know their special becuz when ther having a crappy day its allways good to get compliments and know some one appriciates you or loves you, every chick has ther selfish side...you want to feel special. i hate it when this one chick (completly differnt subject) She always puts me down with her negitivity she has never said anything nice to me.. things like "your so immature" And "Whore, why r yu wearing that" i mean i can take a joke but seriously dude. dont keep saying it ! and she tells me i need to keep MY comments to myself. Wow im talking to a blog..O_o

-Mileena&&Ryan (6.1.09) :D hahah i copied Hay-Hay ! ! xDD

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Some People -Nilsa

I hate it how some people can't go a day without drama. I hate it how some people say they believe in God, and yet show no fear. I hate it how some people are rediculously hypocritical. I hate it how some people just can't stand to see me happy. I especially hate it how those very people were, at one point, my entire social life in Texas.
Dumb Manor. So Suburbain. I can't wait to move in a few months, into one of the only reasonable places I've seen thats somewhat nearby. I'm officially moving deeper into the Live Music Capitol of the World!!! We moved to Austin thinking I would actually get to go to Austin ISD. Hey, at least I met some great people I had hardly even noticed before. Who knew, right? I can't wait to go to the school we used to dream about. The Fine Arts academy will be great. I can accomplish my dreams, and forget all about them. Correction: I will look back on those days with happiness at one point, with no pain at all. I will be happy to have had the experience of living in a matireal world. Seeing the fantastic range of people that can somehow manage to be compleatly amazing, and somehow go, for the most part, unnoticed.
I wish I could say that what happened today was the last straw, but I am still thinking of doing track, dispite the presence of the two people who pain me the most. It's my favorite sport, and their are many more friends than the other, (people who stuck with me through EVERYTHING) but somehow I know they will find a way to get my attention. They always do.

Our School Sucks & Backstabbing Whores -_- -Haley

REALLY? an 8th period? Our lunch is being delayed almost and hour and a half?!
fatass name is. I hate you both, I can't wait to leave this school. Fuck DMS. FUCK MANOR
and fuck all the two faced whores that think that I don't hear what they have to say
because I do hear, and all of my so called friends, who think I don't know what they
have to say, I already know. So don't bother talking to me anymore. Im so tired of little kid drama that they like to play. It's fucking shit. I'm too old to be arguing about boys but they don't understand that it's fucking OLD SHIT. I can't wait to leave Decker.
Chaiya-&-Haley 1.1O.1O

Just Friends -Brianna

two of the most words a girl can hear. the thing i dont want to be. i want it to be like it was two weeks ago. where you gave me that amazingly strong hug, and told me you still loved me...and me saying it back. But if shes what makes you happy then hey, why should i stop you right? as long as youre truly happy then stay with her, be with her nd tell her you love her just like you used to tell me. okay so thats what i tell him. what i tell my friends and my self is this. I WANT YOU BACK!!! I WANT YOU TO TELL ME YOU LOVE ME AGAIN. I WANT YOU TO GET MAD AT ME WHEN I SAY I WANNA GO TO BED!! I WANT YOU TO CALL ME WHEN YOU KNOW I WONT ANSWER JUST SO YOU CAN HEAR MY ANSWERING MACHINE!!! :( would i ever tell him that? yeah. if/when we get back together. i hate admiting that i miss him. i feel.... pathetic. i know its natural but dang it its been a whole week.... well tomorrow makes it a week but still! i should be over him by now you know? well im about to go to a basketball game, just had some spare time and decided to keep ya in touch :) so goodbye now! :)
Oh P.S. you guys NEED to go listen to Amy Colalellas song!! shes getting a record deal and is totally amazing. we wrote some lyrics togetherr xD

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Popularity Much?! - Haley

Today was incredibly fun. I got to do a lot of stuff.. which
I usually do. but there was a fight today, that made my day
so much better.Then we spent the whole class period talking about
fights that happen. It was funny, haha. Today in PE, I talked an awful
lot about Francisco... idk. i miss the memories, not him -_-;;
but yeah Im glad that i have a friend like Anthony, PLUS Brianna
and Lexi booty bumped me and made me fall. Me and Monica had alot of fun
too. And then in Mr Adams class, I was beating a turtle with pearls XD
Kaeja took random pictures of herself on my camera and Jovanny kissed my
purple thumb. Jose tried to fall asleep on me, but his fatass doesn't know that
I would've drawn on his face. Today, was funny. I like having a lot of friends
in Variety but I love my closer friends. (:

my first blog, introduction to my life :D -Brianna

if you could see inside
my head youd see a little person marching around going "school school school
school school school school school school-school-school-school-sca-school!" just
like the baseball thinggy. theres so much on my mind all realting to school...
and the episode of American Idol that i ditched my Spanish project for. :) so
school was pretty alrightt. breakdowns, breakouts, hookups and of course, new
friends...or should i say love intrests? if my school life would be writen
as a book itd be a romance novel. im tied between two guys. guy number one: my
ex... twice. we were on and off and i, of course, still have feelings
for. now curently only best friends but hey, a girls heart wants what a
girls heart wants :P Guy number two: the amazingly sweet carring second best
friend. sighhh. hes so.... not like everyone else. amazingg <3.
So now that you know about my heart, lets get to know my soul shall we?
i think so. My name? Brianna. i have an old soul and i love it :)
in my group of friends i thnk im the most mature but its debatable :)
i have the biggest dreams. and some say i ahve the biggest heart :)
not much after that.... heres where ill come when i have a really bad, or good day.
or maybe ill just come to type and waste time :)
read. this. blog. :D

I Miss Them -Nilsa

I know I shouldn't. I know they hurt me. I know they are heartless. But... They were my Best Friends.
Ugh, there I go again. There I go with the "BFF" tale. It's the only excuse I have for why I still think about their friendship day and night. But, hey, I used to have nonstop fun. I used to get calls every afternoon. It was constant, tiring, and seemingly wonderful. But at least now my in-school social life isn't a complete lie. I really do believe that at least a few of my new friends truly do care about me.
Today I saw my name scratched out on the paper we all used to draw on. The place where my name used to be was scratched out, with a big fat
"<------We got rid of her!" next to it. It was enough to break me down, but unfortunately not enough to make me stop missing them.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

First Entry- Haley

Ah Today was good(:
I can't wait to get out of middle school where they're hypocrites and say they'll treat you like adults if we earn it, well YES we earned it. and yet boys and girls still get split up and have to walk in lines.. BULLSHIT -_- Our principal is ugly and retarded and I HATE his fat ugly guts. He has NO respect for us, just because you're an adult doesn't mean you're going to automatically earn my respect.
Ugh Middle school SUCKS ASS BAAAD
but its all good so long as i have my friends with me and my baby Chaiya (Chai Tea XD)
Cant wait for high school
43 days = Spring break
127 days = Summer,
Posted 7:34 pm 1.26.10
8th grade

The Life of Teens...

I have created this blog to shed light on how we live these days. My friends and I will update it often, letting you know what is going on in our lives... something like a first-hand teen drama novel.
This may come across differently for different people... but perhaps we can at least open the eyes of a few.