Wordle: The Life Of Teens

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Uhuh- Haley

I wasn't purposefully trying to get you mad. I don't understand why you didn't
even at least try to see the way I was seeing it. I don't care how rude you're going
to be to me, I'm going to say what I have to say. I don't like it how you say, I'm getting
over him, yet you'll take him back the first chance you get. When F asked me, I said No.
No matter how much I miss him, I'm not going to take him back after what happen.
I see what kind of friend, tells other friends, don't tell her this cause she'll say something.
You could've just, "i know you got something to say about it, but i don't wanna hear it".
The mistakes IVE made, I've learned that I shouldn't take less than I deserve. I tried to
get over my mistakes but you're not trying, even though you say you are. I checked myself,
and the only reason why this is so frustrating is because I don't want you to end up
the say way I ended up with Gustavo. It took forever to get over him and a lot of rejection
but Briana Garcia was the one who didn't treat me like a baby and told me straight up. And
I'm not going to sit around and let you be miserable about him. But if you don't want me to care, I won't. And who said this friendships ending over him? You're letting it end. I haven't made
a mistakes since after Francisco. Chai's one of the greatest things to happen to me and it's no
mistake, so don't tell me to check myself.
PS. Fuck Columbia, I wanna go to TX A&M(:
but if I get into Columbia, It's fine too! lol

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