Wordle: The Life Of Teens

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Awww - Lauren

So last night I was sleeping over with my friend Leia, and we ended up watching 'scary' movies (which I never do, I find them stupid.) But she likes them, so we were. We watched The Last Exorcist, which was fine but lame, and then we put in The Ring, and for the first time in my life I was actually disturbed by a movie. Of course by the time it finished it was around one and Leia had been asleep about an hour. I felt like a total chicken for being creeped out, but I couldn't sleep, so I was texting John. I eventually fell asleep, but I kept rolling over and waking up every so often, but around 4 AM I woke up and happened to look at my phone, which had a text from John. I hid it under the blanket as to not wake Leia and loaded the messages... And this is what I had.

My Darling Love Lauren: Soft and warm Sealed with care Sweet and kind Will ever share Brave and strong Yet so fair That is her She's always there Sensitive To despair Harkens to others Welfare Delicate she's elsewhere Beautiful Beyond compare if you meet her Best Beware She'll steal your heart unaware Her name is love This I swear There's none like her Anywhere
Love you baby ;)

I read it over and over and I felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest, and needless to say when I read it and fell back asleep I had no more creeping nightmares. <3

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