I had my very last choir concert last night. It was a terribly sad ordeal. The concert went awesomely, we fumbled a little on the words or timing, but all in all it wasn't so bad. I had a lot of fun. When it let out I greeted my family, then went to talk to all the remaining choir kids. I gave Chris, Jd, and Sara like five minute hugs, Then found John and gave him a super hug, and he had been standing with Zz and JB, and Zz was crying her eyes out, and she wasn't even in the concert. I had been fighting crying for the last like ten minutes, and so we hugged and cried together.
Afterwards the four of us (Zz and I along with respective boyfriends) went to McDonald's for ice cream, and hung out there till like eleven playing cards. XD Zz and I got into a French Fry fight, and john and JB tried to stop us without really succeeding. XD It was so much fun.
Despite all Kira and I have been through I couldn't think of a better person to end my Choir concert with, She was my first choir friend and she introduced me to like all of my friends, and just... Despite all of our terrible fights, we're pretty much okay now, I'm really glad we're friends again, I missed all the stupidness we get into. :) Like trying to get french fries down each others shirts. Ya know... if someone is trying to throw french fries down your shirt, don't block, because then you end up squishing the french fries against your chest and it's really fricking nasty. XD
I'm really sad it's over, this year seems like it went by so fast, We have our picnic this saturday then.... That's it. TT-TT
But despite how sad I am now, I'm SO glad I got to do it, Chamber and Acap have been amazing, and I'm so glad for the opportunity. <3
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Happy - Lauren
Wow…. SO I haven’t posted on here since March 8th. That’s insane.
So much has changed in those two months…
I am very proud to say that I am actually happy.
I spent so long with nothing in my life that made me truly happy, and now I have it.
Chamber is amazing; we’re finally like our own little family. I love it, and being in Acapella, I really am a Choir kid at heart :) I auditioned for a spring show solo today; I think it went well actually, I’m nervous. ><;; Our spring show (And my last concert) is on Tuesday… I’m going to cry my eyes out, I’m so sad it’s over…
I’m graduating in three weeks. That’s some scary shit. I know I have to take at least a year off to work because I have to start from Zero. I’m supposedly moving out after Christmas, I was going to move out in July but plans fell through….
I am no longer friends with Montanna. We got into an Enormous fight, I started it because I was pissed off that I found out she and mike are engaged, after she swore to me they were broken up, and that I found out through Courtney because she didn’t have the guts to tell me. She turned it on me and accused me of spreading rumors and said all sorts of nasty shit about me. She apologized over Facebook after the fight, but I told her that I accepted the apology and apologized as well, but some of the stuff she said really hurt me and we’d have to work on that whole trust thing, and she never even bothered to respond. So I’m done. She was here one day because she and Jim still hang out, but it was really awkward. We were nice and all, but I know now that someone who can so easily believe those things about me probably isn’t someone I need to be spending all that much time with. I’m pretty comfortable with it, I mean… I wish it didn’t have to be like this but after someone breaks my trust it’s really hard to get it back again…
But I AM probably moving in with Shea, Rowan, and Dylan. :) I’m totally happy with that, I think the four of us would work really well together ^^
Shea and Jenny aren’t speaking, for real this time. Jenny brought Shea’s ex to prom, and Shea flipped. It was the last straw; they’d been at each other for weeks. Shea kicked her out.
Kira and I are talking again. We’re actually vaguely friends again ^^;; I didn’t think that would happen, but in light of more recent real fights I realized the reasons I wasn’t friends with her for were silly. I mean, they were more important at the time, but it’s been so long… And really, there wasn’t any reason to be mad anymore. She’s changed too, she matured. She found someone she’s actually really happy with and he’s a great guy and its done wonders for her :) She, JB (her bf), Shea and I went to prom together; It was a lot of fun once we got past Jenny screaming her head off at Shea in the middle of it. ><;;
John and I are on four months this coming Tuesday; He makes me so happy it’s not even funny. <3 It feels so much longer than that, but it’s only been four months… I really do love him. ;) I’m slowly getting over all the issues that built up in me over the past 18 years of being single and thinking I wasn’t worth anything… I’m getting past it, and every day that goes by I get better and better at believing that I am. Better and better at being happy.
I haven’t talked to Sam much, but we’re making some progress. I’ve decided to (at least on Fb) call her Spaz, because I just get so confused with Sam/Spencer/He/She, and her Fb name is Spencer ‘Spaz’ Sanders. P: So, I’m really trying to accommodate what Spaz wants. I’ve recently realized that it’s kindof like Spaz is the Brother I don’t talk to very often. Shea is my best friend, and I am hers as she recently told me, and I am completely happy with that. I wish I talked to Sam a little more, but as I get happier I get better at accepting things in my life I can’t really change.
I’m writing a book. It is really sad, but I’m honestly loving it. I got it from a dream I had, and I’m just working on writing it out. I’m a good 15 typed pages in, and I’ve written the end already. It’ll take work, but I have time :)
So, I am happy. I still have problems, but it just seems so much easier to deal with them now.
I’m just….. Happy. :)
High school,
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