Five months. That's a long time, especially for me.
He's my first real boyfriend, and the first person to ever tell me he loves me.
Because of the fact that I had to wait until I was nearly -18- years old before this happened, I developed some issues. I didn't hate myself. but I didn't really think I was worth anything.
And because of -that- I had some terrible self-image issues and due to -that- I had... Intimacy issues.
Well I've broken that. I broke through my issues and finally was able to open up and stop hating on myself, I finally understand that I -am- worth something to at least one someone, and so today...
Well lemme show you the message I sent to Sam and Shea after the fact.
- 6 hours agoLauren Nystul
- Soooo...
I was hanging out with John today, he was over to help me clean up and deal with shit, and I figure the both of you might kill me if I didn't tell you when my first time was, sooooo there's that. ^////^;; He ran to go get us lunch so I'm sending this. But dad just got home so I'm hitting send and making it go away now!
Love yas!
Please no murder. ♥
- 6 hours agoSpencer 'Spaz' Sanders
- Not exactly how I thought you'd lose your viriginity but fair enough! Hope you used protection~ ♥
And noworries, I wont murder you... Not yet. >>
- 6 hours agoShea Kilgannon
You're too cute.
My little girl is growing up so fast. :'D
- 5 hours agoLauren Nystul
- You've thought about it? ^^;; And yes, of course I did. P: Yet? D: Is there a reason you're going to murder me? O.O
Ooooomigod shea. XD So many smileys ^^;;
- 5 hours agoSpencer 'Spaz' Sanders
- Well, I just knew you to be so conservative and what not. Plus with your last relationship with dog face.... I dunno, it was just sort of a surprise for me I guess. *shrugs* And good girl. Least you use your brain unlike your brother.
- 5 hours agoLauren Nystul
- I know. I didn't want to for a long time, but come tuesday we'll have been together five months... >///<;;
Well Dog face and I never did anything, John was my first kiss. You know that. P: I'm finally completely over him and everything that happened. :3
This whole thing is still a surprise to me, I'm still working on the whole believing someone else can like me like that thing, but... he really does love me. ♥And I love him. ^/////^
And you know me, I'm all brains. The boy one... not so much ^^;;
- 5 hours agoSpencer 'Spaz' Sanders
- Indeed. Well, I'm glad you used your head hun. I hope you and him can go the distance. And ps, dog face lost something good.
- 2 hours agoLauren Nystul
- Thanks hun. ♥
He did, didn't he...------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So yeah. There's that. ^^;;And this is titled I feel Weird because I do kind of, but not like I expected.I think i worked myself up for it to be this huge deal, and it really wasn't.I just feel kindof dazed, and sleepy. Lol.Though... somehow I do feel a bit different, I guess because of Sam's reaction to my being so conservative, I was. really bad. and I've loosened up a lot, so I guess I'm letting go of that conservative tight person who hates shorts and tank tops and swearing and showing skin... I'm loosening up, and calming down. It feels nice, I don't think I realized how tightly I was wound.But... It's weird. I'm losing who I was for so long... It's not bad, I don't think, but it is definitely... Weird.
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