This summer has been going so smoothly!
I adore every minute of it!
There's only two days i don't go out,
Wednesdays and Thursdays. reasons why?
Wednesday i have TCSO so i don't go out just to save my energy for that
and Thursdays cause Ive got practice
(yes we practice all summer long! insane? a bit)
like okay here's my map out of last week.
starting with Friday:
I went to the Domain with Shelby(:
Saturday: Karaoke and went to spend the night at Shelbys house
Sunday: Spent the night again at shelbys house
Monday: i went home and went out with my family (:
Tuesday: I went to the Domain again :D
Wednesday: i had tsco
Thursday: i have practice tonight
Friday: i have a date x)
Saturday: i have another date and Karaoke :D
that's just one week x)
anyways there's 9 weeks left of summer,
a little less but you know rounding off(:
i might be going to Vegas next month, not sure, but i might :D
Im less then sure,
but there's a chance ill be going to South Padre Island in August(:
Like i mean it sounds like everything's all peachy, but there's of course things that have made me upset, but i have to over look them.
like Oscar and i were close again for a while, and then he just stopped texting me.
what did i do?
i deleted his number.
im not playing anymore,
and he is, so when he grows up maybe he'll have another chance.
I've also promised myself im not gonna date anyone until November,
just so that i can get settled into the new school year, and the crazy schedule.
Like Ive got band practice in the morning, and we might have after school practice as well, then Ive got robotics.
and this up coming summer, im doing summer school to get ahead, and ACC classes to get extra credits.
Did i mention my new life goal?
Early graduation, and early acceptance, full scholarship to UCLA.
For what? im not sure. but that's my goal.
Anyways, this summer im getting my
"Certificate of age"
so i can start working soon.
Oh, next summer, im also taking driving lessons (:
so that's whats up with my life.
Summer band starts in July. July 13th to be exact.
then 22nd-23rd
and then
two weeks before school starts,
and then daily x)
im excited.
i saw our costumes.
we got a new instructor.
new members.
new equipment.
and apperently everyone grew money trees.
Our payment, just for the marching season is almost $400
Im so scared to see what it'll look like for Winter guard!
So this year, i got 10 credits and my GPA so far is a 3.8
Im really proud of myself.
Couls you imagine me graduating at 16?
im already graduating at 17, so already a year ahead,
I'd start college at 16.
i mean id only be 16 for a month but stiiilllll.
Its a bit exciting.
Anyways so im gonna go enjoy this day before i start getting ready for practiceee
Enjoy your summer my dears(:
I was hanging out with John today, he was over to help me clean up and deal with shit, and I figure the both of you might kill me if I didn't tell you when my first time was, sooooo there's that. ^////^;; He ran to go get us lunch so I'm sending this. But dad just got home so I'm hitting send and making it go away now!
Love yas!
Please no murder. ♥